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This is custom, personalized training to change the way you communicate with your dog. We begin by teaching you how to manage the behaviors. Then I teach you how to change your dog's mind as well as their behavior. 


Hear me out! --Most clients ask that their dog to stop pulling on leash or to stop running out the door, so they ask to learn "come" or "heel". What they are really looking for is a dog that doesn't want to pull ahead of them or a dog that doesn't want to run away. THAT is what we work on changing!--


Once you've taught your dog you're relevant you can interrupt those naughty behaviors, we can begin to change the dogs' desire to do them. We start by creating confidence and then a calm mind to help address bad desires and develop the better manners.


During the initial session, I meet and evaluate your dog to help you decide the best path for your dog to meet your needs. Each session is about 60-90 minutes. 

Naturally, in-home sessions cater to your specific needs and goals by staying fluid in both time and training paths.

1st session (evaluation): $135
3 sessions*: $350 
6 sessions*: $660


*Packages to be used within 100 days and include the membership into lifetime group classes.


As of August 1, 2021, I am no longer able to accept new clients. I will resume scheduling for new in-home clients starting in January of 2022. Thank you for your interest in IGFDT services.
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